They Didn't Just Move Furniture!
Back in 2016, Lynn Wagner did not know much about Love INC. She had heard of the ministry but didn’t know much more than that.
She and her husband had some furniture in their living room they were looking to get rid of, so she contacted Love INC about donating it.
Not long after, some men came by to pick up the furniture from her house. They moved it out and loaded it on a truck to take to one of the stores to sell.
But these men didn’t just move furniture. They met Lynn, asked her questions, took an interest in her, and after the furniture was moved, they asked if they could pray for her. Lynn was so impressed by these men and their willingness to take an interest in her and pray with her, that she wanted to find out more about this ministry.
Fast forward to 2021. Lynn has now been a co-teacher four times with Bill Roberts in the Redemptive Compassion classes.
Before that, she took the class herself two times because she loved it so much! She has learned more about Love INC over the past five years and has fallen in love with the ministry. This all happened because of one furniture pickup and the willingness of some volunteers to ask if they could pray.
In Luke 16, Jesus is teaching his disciples and he shares with them the Parable of the Shrewd Manager. Towards the end of the parable, Jesus tells the disciples in v. 11: “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.”
Back in 2016, it would have been easy for a few men to show up at Lynn’s house, move some furniture, and be on their way.
Lynn Wagner
But instead of seeing this as just a donation pickup, they saw it as an opportunity to connect and care for someone in their community.
They were faithful in a very little thing: asking someone to pray. They had no idea at the time what impact that would have. Now Lynn is a volunteer with the ministry, teaching Redemptive Compassion to others!
Love INC is a ministry that strives to be faithful in the little things. It is a group of people looking for opportunities to bless. And because of these small acts of faithfulness, God has given Love INC a great opportunity to impact the community.
It’s a great lesson for us all to learn. How can we open our eyes today to see the small opportunity God is giving us to be faithful in a very little thing? When we ask him for that chance, He will give it to us! All we have to do is follow His lead.