Answering God's Knock | Kaya's Testimony
“I thought, ‘is this God knocking at my door, wanting me to open it?’”
Change Your Life student, Kaya Fowler, recently shared her testimony. Can you relate to Kaya’s story? If so, reach out to Love INC today. We’d love to walk alongside you on your journey.
From Kaya: Before I started the Change Your Life courses, I was very sad, looking for hope in all the wrong places. I was struggling financially, mentally, and spiritually. My faith was not strong like I wanted it to be. I felt empty inside, like part of me was missing. I was depressed and felt stuck in my mind. Money issues were a common occurance. I knew I needed a change in my life, I just didn’t know where to start.
Looking for peace, I turned on the Spirit FM radio station. I hadn’t listened to it for some time. They played a beautiful song and after that was over they played an ad about an organization named Love INC. I was curious so I looked online to see what Love INC stood for and what they do to help the community. I was happy to learn that Love INC stood for Love in the Name of Christ.
Right at that moment I was thinking, “God is trying to tell me something, but what? Could this be a sign from Him?”
I did more research and found out that they help people with furniture, clothing, shoes, kitchenware and other essential needs. At the time my family was in need of some of these items. I knew I needed to call and talk to someone. I was so nervous at first so after a week went by I finally took the step. I spoke to someone on the hotline number and told them the items I really needed. Right before we ended the call they asked me if I was interested in taking classes through Love INC and I said I would like more information.
I finally received a phone call from Katy to talk to me about signing up for classes. She said she was offering a class called “New Image” to all new students. It’s a class where you learn about yourself and how God sees you in His image. Again, I thought, “this is God knocking at my door wanting me to open it.” I accepted and I was set to class starting in January 2023.
When the transportation van came to pick up my son and I that evening, my life changed.
I was welcomed with open arms from every student and volunteer. At that moment I felt the holy spirit fill me with joy and happiness. I was not sad or depressed. I continued to go to every week with the will to let God open my heart and mind. I have medical issues that would keep most people down and hopeless. But God has been truly amazing to me, giving me the strength to still make it to class.
Since I have started my Change Your Life course journey I have managed to learn about myself and how God sees me in His image. I have learned better ways to manage money and save money thanks to the “Faith and Finances” class. The “Alpha” class has help me reaffirm my faith, feel closer to God, and know that God will always be present to help in trouble. He loves you, and wants you to have a relationship with Him. He will always be the light at the end of your tunnel. The “Active Parenting” class taught me how to be a better parent to my son and how God wants me to raise my son to love and worship Him.
I have met the most amazing people at Love INC. MaryAnn Bryant has become a very special person in my life. When I started the New Image class she was the assistant teacher. We became very close, having dinner every week, and she is still my cheerleader today. Dave Buck is another person very dear to my heart. We met while I was taking “Alpha.” He leads the class with a joke but has the most pure heart and is committed to teaching the word of God. Melissa Bower is also very near to my heart. She is the assistant teacher for “Alpha.” We became very close in 12 weeks. I love how she is always encouraging and supporting all the students. She is my prayer warrior.
Love INC has become my family. I look forward to coming every session. My relationship with God has grown and I fully recommitted myself to Him. Love INC has saved my life for the better. I am so happy that I get to be apart of love INC.