Helping Churches
Help People

The local church is God’s answer to community brokenness and a part of his plan of redemption and restoration. That’s why we mobilize local churches to offer a holistic, faith-based approach to caring for people in all areas of life: spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical.


Watch the Change Your Life Class Graduation Replay!

love inc assistance programs love inc donation center community service donations volunteer opportunities community outreach.jpg
I didn’t have a good support system growing up - for the first time in my life I actually had people who listened to me.
— Israel Lowe, Love INC Neighbor


Faith Support Empowerment Christian ministry Community resource Classes Redemptive compassion Financial management Parenting love inc.jpg
love inc love inc assistance programs love inc donation center community service donations volunteer opportunities community outreach non-profit organization restoration ministries thrift christian donation center near me thrift store va love inc

“Love INC treats you like a person. Like an individual. The people cared so much about learning who I was and learning my story. It was true care for who I was and my journey in life.”

Carolyn  |  Change Your Life Class Graduate


News + Events


The Journey of One

Stay tuned to our blog over the next month as we share "The Journey of One with Saige." This journey represents the collective efforts of individuals coming together to make a difference, one step at a time.

Two Days of Giving

Love INC invites you to participate in our 10th Annual Two Days of Giving Campaign! We forgo conventional fundraising events each year for a more intentional giving experience and deeply value your generous contributions, no matter what the size.

Redemptive Compassion Classes

Redemptive Compassion is an 8-week study offering a biblical perspective on how the church is called to holistically help people in need. Redemptive Compassion challenges many of the traditional ways of addressing need.


Our Vision

We help churches help people because we dream of a world where Christian churches are united in purpose and fully engaged in actively living out their faith by lovingly serving people in need in their communities.

Our Mission

To mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ.


Ready to help?



Assistance Charity Faith-based Love in the name of christ Love inc thrift store Love inc offices Donation center Faith and finance Thrift store near me.jpg